Final Stats

9 months
17, 500 Miles on Toyota
3000 miles on Skoda Roomster
15 train rides in France and Spain
8 bus rides in Spain
39 States Visited
4 European Countries
10 Bags of Cheese Flavored Popcorn
1 Set of Tires
1 Set of Brakes
1 Fat Lip
6 nights of camping in the rain
20 pounds of pasta eaten
40 bottles of wine consumed
50 chocolate croissants eaten
100 miles of driving out of our way
1 bout of the flu
6 modes of transportation
Zero Speeding Tickets
No Fights

An Experience of a Lifetime-Priceless

Roby and Patti's Radical Sabbatical

Roby and I have decided to live "lightly". Come along for the journey through our trials and tribulations. This blog is posted with the most current adventure first. So, scroll to the bottom if you want to start from the beginning. Each entry has a continuous slideshow of photos for your viewing pleasure. If you double click on the photos it will take you to our photo web page and you are able to see enlarged versions. We welcome comments and any building tricks.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Big Apple

The Big Apple

July 16th-19th

Our journey on public transportation has begun. We left DC with nothing more than our 25 pound backpack and a one way ticket on the Bolt Bus to New York. It was a pleasant 4 hour trip in big cushy seats in an air conditioned setting and they even had internet service on the bus. We arrived in the city near Tribeca and were literally dropped off at the corner. No bus station or even bus stop just a sign on the side of the road that read “Bolt Bus”. After sitting on the park bench with our packs, looking like the homeless, our friend Bryan walked up to guide us through the city. Julie was still in school so we beelined it for a restaurant and a celebratory drink. 3:00 arrived and Julie called so we walked over to her school and got the 5 cent tour of where she creates her culinary masterpieces of which we were going to get to sample. A quick subway ride to their neighborhood in Brooklyn (Williamsburg) lead us to their “penthouse” view. Okay they do not live on the top floor but the 25th is close enough with the view they have of the East River, Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge. We almost didn’t need to leave the apartment. Although they do not live on the top, they have access to the rooftop deck and on several evenings we lugged up the Ikea stools and enjoyed the view. They are definitely not roughing it in a 4x6 box apartment infested with rats or roaches like most young urbanites in New York. Even from our bed we had an unobstructed view of the city lights. A perfect way to end our 1st leg of our journey.

Bryan and Julie were the consummate hosts. We were spoiled with Bryan’s gourmet breakfasts and Julie’s delectable deserts and chocolates. Roby was in heaven; he got to eat chocolate 24/7. Our breakfasts were more like brunch because after a few rough evenings and not getting to bed until after 3:00 am no one rising before 11:00 am except for Julie who had to go to school on Friday. The first night we hit Manhattan for dinner at a famous Japanese noodle house but because we had to wait for a table Roby and Bryan imbibed on one too many drinks leading to a long night of “boy behavior”. We stopped off at a newly opened bar in the neighborhood and actually one of the coolest concept bars that we’ve seen. It was in a huge renovated old warehouse with a great mix of new and old classic 80’s music videos, dancing, great accent lighting (lighting is key you know), wild bathrooms and an awesome multi lane bowling “lounge” with plush black leather couches, neon bowling balls and large video screens over each lane. It reminded us of the Devil House in Tempe. We needed to get Julie home for school the next day so we called it an early evening- 2:00 am. The boys however did not stop and headed up to the rooftop deck. They spent the next hour and a half up there. I decided they needed some male bonding time so I willing went to bed at 2:30 am.

The next morning of which neither boy saw I spent getting our last minute arrangements for our European trip completed and getting our Phoenix house in order. This unfortunately took most of the morning so we were not able to venture out until Julie got home from school. We were going to meet up with our friend Liz who lives in New York. We jumped on the subway heading toward Chelsey. The Mexican restaurant was too crowed and could not accommodate 5 people so we went to a little Thai restaurant next door. Liz, a native, gave Bryan and Julie the lowdown on the city. She was supposed to be at a work event around 8:00 but we did not get her on her way until almost 9:00 pm. Hopefully she did not get in trouble. We had a great time and hope to see her when we return in October. The rest of the evening we spent wondering the town through Time Square and ventured into a bar called Zanzibar which was a recommendation from Liz. Unfortunately it started raining-again- so our adventure was limited. Why is this black cloud following us????? Bryan and Roby were not quite as lively this evening so we called it an early evening but somehow we still did not get to bed until after 2:00 am. We were definitely in the city that truly never sleeps and as Liz says-it is not a true city unless you can get something to eat at 4:00 in the morning when you are hungry and can’t sleep.

The weekend was here but for us we have lost track of whether it is Wednesday or Saturday. All we know is we have no more Mondays. After another wonderful breakfast of French omelets cooked by Chef Bryan who has been attending the cooking demonstrations at Julie’s school, we headed out for a full day of exploring. First on the agenda was the incredible walk across the beautiful Brooklyn Bridge - an unbelievable example of structural grace, then a quick stop at ground zero, strolled through Central Park so Roby could soak up Olmstead’s work and then joined a sizable crowd sitting in the shady grass listening to a concert in the park. Next we walked through the Village, ate NY style Pizza, and found Paley Park famous amongst urban design geeks (Roby has been looking forward to seeing since our last trip in 1999 when we could not find it.) It is the best pocket park in the city and has won many awards. Once you enter it with the perfectly placed waterfall you cannot hear the city noise and it takes you out of your element. Roby would love the job of being the park keeper!!
We got home around 6:00 just in time for sunset on the roof and then dinner at Aurora’s, the local Brooklyn Italian restaurant. Before calling it an evening we ventured into a local French bar and were witness to the most bizarre entertainment scene-if you can call it entertainment. Initially we were intrigued because it was going to be an all girl band playing and the place started getting packed, even a local newspaper was present for the show. We waited until almost midnight for them to take the stage. Their act lasted the whole of 15 minutes of which was too long. They were supposed to be a “cabaret style” band but it looked more like a bad porno with the girls pretending to be musicians. They spent the majority of the time rolling around on the floor stuffing hot dogs into their mouths and regurgitating blood-like substances. I know what you are thinking all of you boys out there reading this but this was bad. The promoter promised that their full act is much better if we wanted to join their mailing list for future shows. We politely declined.

Our final day in the City started with a visit to the local bagel shop for breakfast and a quick trip back into town. We were headed for the new Highline Park. They took an old abandoned rail track which is suspended above ground and turned it into a pedestrian green space. What a phenomenal job they did. It is only the second one in the world-the other one being in Paris. Oh-we are going there too!!!! If you get to the city you must check it out. It is amazing what a Landscape Architect can create. Unfortunately we did not have anymore time so we headed home and got ready for our flight.

Short but sweet goodbyes to our good friends and wonderful hosts, a quick cab ride to JFK and we were off to Europe. Anyone up for an evening in Geneva?

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